
Color on Color Action

Hand in hand with the new neon craze comes the full color palette look.  The key is creating a clean look with bright sophisticated colors so as to avoid looking like a member of the Laurie Berkner Band.

Here are some great colored jeans in an assortment of colors.

Colored Denim

It all starts with a pair of colored jeans.  Depending on the tone of the color, choose a top that coordinates, not matches, the bottoms.  Think of using colors with similar shades or a mix of light and dark of the same color (eg. dark green with light green).

If you feel timid, try mixing just two colors (neutral one on top, coloredone below) with neutral accessories.

Everyday Color

1 comment:

  1. I have some cobalt blue and red jeans. Now I really want some pastel pink/peachish for spring!
